Trades by Directors/Substantial Unitholders

Announce Date [Date of Effective Change] Buyer/ Seller Name [Type*] S/ W/ U ** Bought/ (Sold) ('000) Price ($) After Trade Note
No. of Shares ('000) *** % Held ***
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U 320  - 835,476 19.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$892,800.00 paid by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 835476088 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 19.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.99% to 19.00% due to the acquisition of 320,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA Real Estate"), DBSH, Keppel Ltd. ("Keppel") and Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd. ("Fullerton").

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl").
(iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI Asset Management Pte. Ltd. ("CLIAM").
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI").
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand").
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III").
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville").
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson").
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley").
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu Capital Pte. Ltd. ("Tembusu").
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH : 0.967%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.967% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel : 0.054%
(i) EM Services Pte Ltd ("EM Services") an associated company of Keppel Management Ltd. ("KML") holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.434%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.434% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek : 19.00%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U (117)  - 835,334 18.99 Note
Expiry of options.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 835333853 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 19.00% to 18.99% due to the expiry of options.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate , DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton.

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI Intl.
(iii) CAREITML holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLIAM.
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CLI.
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand.
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings III.
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville.
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson.
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley.
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu.
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH : 0.964%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.964% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel : 0.054%
(i) EM Services an associated company of KML holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.434%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.434% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek : 18.99%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
BlackRock, Inc. [SSH] S/U 300  - 307,821 7.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 869,710

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 307821185 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 7.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
BlackRock, Inc. holds a deemed interest through various BlackRock, Inc. subsidiaries as set out below.

1.Aperio Group, LLC
2.BlackRock Advisors, LLC
3.BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
4.BlackRock Investment Management, LLC
5.BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited
6.BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A.
7.BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V.
8.BlackRock Fund Managers Ltd
9.BlackRock Life Limited
10.BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited
11.BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited
12.BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited
13.BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG
14.BlackRock (Singapore) Limited
15.BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited
16.BlackRock Fund Advisors
17.BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.
18.BlackRock Japan Co Ltd
19.BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd
20.iShares (DE) I Investmentaktiengesellschaft mit Teilgesellschaftsvermogen
BlackRock, Inc. [SSH] S/U (70)  - 307,783 6.99 Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 201,149.39

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 307783085 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 6.99000000 (Deemed Interest)
BlackRock, Inc. holds a deemed interest through various BlackRock, Inc. subsidiaries as set out below.

1.Aperio Group, LLC
2.BlackRock Advisors, LLC
3.BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
4.BlackRock Investment Management, LLC
5.BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited
6.BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A.
7.BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V.
8.BlackRock Fund Managers Ltd
9.BlackRock Life Limited
10.BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited
11.BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited
12.BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited
13.BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG
14.BlackRock (Singapore) Limited
15.BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited
16.BlackRock Fund Advisors
17.BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.
18.BlackRock Japan Co Ltd
19.BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd
20.iShares (DE) I Investmentaktiengesellschaft mit Teilgesellschaftsvermogen
Tembusu Capital Pte. Ltd. ("Tembusu") [SSH] S/U (115)  - 791,438 17.99 Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$328,552.95 received by Fullerton as investment manager.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 791437539 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 17.99000000 (Deemed Interest)
Tembusu does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Tembusu is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.00% to 17.99% due to the disposal of 115,100 Units by Fullerton as investment manager via market transaction.

Tembusu has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate and Fullerton.

(1) Tembusu's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl").
(iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI Asset Management Pte. Ltd. ("CLIAM").
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI").
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand").
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III").
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville").
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson").
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley").
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu.

(2) Tembusu's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.454%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.454% of Units.
(ii) Fullerton is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FFMC Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("FFMC").
(iii) Seviora Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Seviora") holds 51.0% of shares in FFMC.
(iv) Seviora is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pilatus Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Pilatus").
(v) Pilatus is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tembusu.

Total deemed interest of Tembusu : 17.99%

CLA Real Estate and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Tembusu is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U (500)  - 835,097 18.99 Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$1,456,000.00 paid by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 835097030 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 19.00% to 18.99% due to the disposal of 500,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA Real Estate"), DBSH, Keppel Ltd. ("Keppel") and Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd. ("Fullerton").

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl").
(iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI Asset Management Pte. Ltd. ("CLIAM").
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI").
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand").
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III").
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville").
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson").
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley").
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu Capital Pte. Ltd. ("Tembusu").
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH : 0.825%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.825% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel : 0.054%
(i) EM Services Pte Ltd an associated company of Keppel Management Ltd. ("KML") holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.567%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.567% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek : 18.99%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U 675  - 836,039 19.01 Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$1,883,783.25 paid by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 836039310 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 19.01000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.99% to 19.01% due to the acquisition of 675,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA Real Estate"), DBSH, Keppel Ltd. ("Keppel") and Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd. ("Fullerton").

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl").
(iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI Asset Management Pte. Ltd. ("CLIAM").
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI").
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand").
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III").
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville").
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson").
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley").
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu Capital Pte. Ltd. ("Tembusu").
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH 0.849%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.849% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel 0.054%
(i) EM Services Pte Ltd, ("EM") an associated company of Keppel Management Ltd. ("KML") holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton 0.564%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.564% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek 19.01%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U 180  - 835,533 19.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$516,227.40 paid by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 835533360 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 19.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.99% to 19.00% due to the acquisition of 180,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton.

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI Intl.
(iii) CAREITML holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLIAM.
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CLI.
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand.
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings III.
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville.
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson.
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley.
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu.
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH : 0.837%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.837% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel : 0.054%
(i) EM, an associated company of KML holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.564%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.564% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek : 19.00%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U (300)  - 835,233 18.99 Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$863,001.00 received by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 835233360 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 19.00% to 18.99% due to the disposal of 300,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton.

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI Intl.
(iii) CAREITML holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLIAM.
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CLI.
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand.
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings III.
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville.
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson.
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley.
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu.
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH : 0.831%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.831% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel : 0.054%
(i) EM, an associated company of KML holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.564%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.564% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek : 18.99%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U (100)  - 835,356 18.99 Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$287,000.00 received by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 835356360 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 19.00% to 18.99% due to the disposal of 100,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA Real Estate"), DBSH, Keppel Ltd. ("Keppel") and Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd. ("Fullerton").

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl").
(iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI Asset Management Pte. Ltd. ("CLIAM").
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI").
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand").
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III").
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville").
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson").
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley").
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu Capital Pte. Ltd. ("Tembusu").
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH : 0.833%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.833% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel : 0.054%
(i) EM Services Pte Ltd, ("EM") an associated company of Keppel Management Ltd. ("KML") holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.564%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.564% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek : 18.99%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U 100  - 835,490 19.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$286,000.00 paid by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 835489590 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 19.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.99% to 19.00% due to the acqusition of 100,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton.

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.5452%
(i) CLI RE Fund holds 17.5422% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI Intl.
(iii) CAREITML holds 0.0030% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLIAM.
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CLI.
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand.
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings III.
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville.
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson.
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley.
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu.
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH : 0.8369%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.8369% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel : 0.0544%
(i) EM Services Pte Ltd, an associated company of KML holds 0.0544% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.5648%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.5648% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek : 19.00%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.0001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U (1,000)  - 835,412 18.99 Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$2,872,000.00 received by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 835411546 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 19.02% to 18.99% due to the disposal of 1,000,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA Real Estate"), DBSH, Keppel Ltd. ("Keppel") and Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd. ("Fullerton").

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate : 17.545%
(i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.542% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl").
(iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI Asset Management Pte. Ltd. ("CLIAM").
(v) CLI Intl and CLIAM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI").
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand").
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III").
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville").
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson").
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley").
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu Capital Pte. Ltd. ("Tembusu").
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH : 0.835%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.835% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel : 0.054%
(i) EM Services Pte Ltd, an associated company of Keppel Management Ltd. ("KML") holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KML is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton : 0.564%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.564% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek : 18.99%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,396,976,150 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Choo Oi Yee [DIR] S/U 6  2.614 6 NA Note
Part payment of directors' fees for the year ended 31 December 2023 by way of units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT to non-executive independent director of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 5904 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00010000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The percentages of total number of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" are calculated based on the issued units of 4,396,976,150 of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT as at 18 June 2024.
Chinniah Kunnasagaran [DIR] S/U 9  2.614 32 NA Note
Part payment of directors' fees for the year ended 31 December 2023 by way of units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT to non-executive independent director of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 26161 (Direct Interest); 6222 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00060000 (Direct Interest); 0.00010000 (Deemed Interest)
My deemed interest in the units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT as set out arises from units held in the name of my spouse.

The percentages of total number of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" are calculated based on the issued units of 4,396,976,150 of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT as at 18 June 2024.
Ong Lee Keang Maureen [DIR] S/U 8  2.614 18 NA Note
Part payment of directors' fees for the year ended 31 December 2023 by way of units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT to non-executive independent director of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 17760 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00040000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The percentages of total number of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" are calculated based on the issued units of 4,396,976,150 of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT as at 18 June 2024.
Daniel Cuthbert Ee Hock Huat [DIR] S/U 11  2.614 57 NA Note
Part payment of directors' fees for the year ended 31 December 2023 by way of units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT to non-executive independent director of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 56691 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00130000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The percentages of total number of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" are calculated based on the issued units of 4,396,976,150 of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT as at 18 June 2024.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited [TMRP] S/U (34)  2.614 134 NA Note
Part payment of directors' fees for the year ended 31 December 2023 by way of units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT to various non-executive independent directors of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 133864 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00300000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The percentages of total number of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" are calculated based on the issued units of 4,396,976,150 of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT as at 18 June 2024.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited [TMRP] S/U 3,369  2.574 3,537 0.08 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 3536690 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.08000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The percentage of total number of units "Immediately before the transaction" is based on 4,393,607,249 units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT ("Units") as at 15 December 2023, and the percentage of total number of Units "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,396,976,150 Units as at 18 June 2024 following the issuance of Units.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited [TMRP] S/U (3,369)  2.574 168 NA Note
Disposal of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 167789 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00300000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
1. The percentage of total number of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,396,976,150 Units as at 18 June 2024.

2. CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CLARML") is entitled to receive the 3,368,901 Units at an issue price of S$2.5741 per Unit as payment of 20% of the base management fee for the period from 1 December 2023 to 31 May 2024.

3. CLARML has sold the 3,368,901 Units which it is entitled to receive as payment of its management fee to CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLIRE"), a related corporation of CLARML, and in connection with the sale, CLARML has directed that such Units be issued directly to CLIRE instead of CLARML.
William Tay Wee Leong [DIR] R/O/W 119  - NA NA Note
Acceptance of 118,938 Award under CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Performance Unit Plan ("PUP").

Immediately after the transaction
No. of rights/options/warrants held: 402,886
No. of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 717,661
Immediately before the transaction:

No. of rights/options/warrants held: 283,948 comprises:
(i) 195,837* Awards under PUP; and
(ii) 88,111^ unvested units under CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Restricted Unit Plan ("RUP").

No. (if known) of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 479,785 comprises:
(i) up to 391,674* units under PUP; and
(ii) 88,111^ units under RUP.

Immediately after the transaction:

No. of rights/options/warrants held: 402,886 comprises:
(i) 314,775* Awards under PUP; and
(ii) 88,111^ unvested units under RUP.

No. (if known) of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 717,661 comprises:
(i) up to 629,550* units under PUP; and
(ii) 88,111^ units under RUP.

* the final number of units to be released will depend on the achievement of pre-determined targets at the end of the respective performance periods for PUP. The release will be made partly in the form of units and partly in the form of cash.

^ on the final vesting, an additional number of units of a total value equal to the value of the accumulated distributions which are declared during each of the vesting periods and deemed foregone due to the vesting mechanism of RUP, will also be released.
William Tay Wee Leong [DIR] S/U 27  - 737 0.02 Note
Receipt of 27,185 units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT under the CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Restricted Unit Plan.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 736551 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.01700000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The percentage of total no. of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" is calculated based on 4,393,607,249 units in issue as at 15 December 2023.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CLARML") [TMRP] S/U (92)  - 168 NA Note
Transfer of 91,641 units in CLAR from CLARML's unitholding to its key management personnel and eligible employees under its Restricted Unit Plan.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 167789 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00300000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
1. The percentage of total number of units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,393,607,249 units as at 15 December 2023.

2. The percentages are rounded down to the nearest 0.001%.
William Tay Wee Leong [DIR] R/O/W 82  - NA NA Note
Acceptance of 81,557 Award under CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Restricted Unit Plan ("RUP").

Immediately after the transaction
No. of rights/options/warrants held: 311,133
No. of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 506,970
Immediately before the transaction:

No. of rights/options/warrants held: 229,576 comprises:
(i) 195,837 Awards* under CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Performance Unit Plan ("PUP"); and
(ii) 33,739^ unvested units under RUP.

No. (if known) of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 425,413 comprises:
(i) up to 391,674* units under PUP; and
(ii) 33,739^ units under RUP.

Immediately after the transaction:

No. of rights/options/warrants held: 311,133 comprises:
(i) 195,837* Awards under PUP; and
(ii) 115,296^ unvested units under RUP.

No. (if known) of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 506,970 comprises:
(i) up to 391,674* units under PUP; and
(ii) 115,296^ units under RUP.

Awards refers to contingent baseline units awards under PUP.

* the final number of units to be released will depend on the achievement of pre-determined targets at the end of the respective performance periods for PUP. The release will be made partly in the form of units and partly in the form of cash.

^ on the final vesting, an additional number of units of a total value equal to the value of the accumulated distributions which are declared during each of the vesting periods and deemed foregone due to the vesting mechanism of RUP, will also be released.
William Tay Wee Leong [DIR] S/U 174  - 709 0.02 Note
Receipt of 174,141 units under CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Performance Unit Plan and CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Restricted Unit Plan.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 709366 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.01600000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The percentage of total no. of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" is calculated based on 4,393,607,249 units in issue as at 15 December 2023.
William Tay Wee Leong [DIR] R/O/W (135)  - NA NA Note
Final number of 134,988 units awarded under CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Performance Unit Plan.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of rights/options/warrants held: 229,576
No. of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 425,413
Immediately before the transaction:

No. of rights/options/warrants held: 364,556 comprises:
(i) 263,331* Awards under CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Performance Unit Plan ("PUP"); and
(ii) 101,225^ unvested units under CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited Restricted Unit Plan ("RUP").

No. (if known) of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 627,887 comprises:
(i) up to 526,662* units under PUP; and
(ii) 101,225^ units under RUP.

Immediately after the transaction:

No. of rights/options/warrants held: 229,576 comprises:
(i) 195,837 Awards* under PUP; and
(ii) 33,739^ unvested units under RUP.

No. (if known) of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 425,413 comprises:
(i) up to 391,674* units under PUP; and
(ii) 33,739^ units under RUP.

Awards refers to contingent baseline units awards.

* the final number of units to be released will depend on the achievement of pre-determined targets at the end of the respective performance periods for PUP.

^ on the final vesting, an additional number of units of a total value equal to the value of the accumulated distributions which are declared during each of the vesting periods and deemed foregone due to the vesting mechanism of RUP, will also be released.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CLARML") [TMRP] S/U (476)  - 259 0.01 Note
Transfer of 476,101 units in CLAR from CLARML's unitholding to its key management personnel and eligible employees under its Restricted Unit Plan and Performance Unit Plan.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 259430 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00500000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
1. The percentage of total number of units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,393,607,249 units as at 15 December 2023.

2. The percentages are rounded down to the nearest 0.001%.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CLARML") [TMRP] S/U 3,074  2.865 3,210 0.07 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 3209865 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.07310000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
1. The percentage of total number of units "Immediately before the transaction" is based on 4,390,532,915 units in CLAR ("Units") as at 15 June 2023, and the percentage of total number of Units "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,393,607,249 Units as at 15 December 2023 following the issuance of Units.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CLARML") [TMRP] S/U (2,474)  2.865 736 0.01 Note
Disposal of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 735531 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.01000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
1. The percentage of total number of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,393,607,249 Units as at 15 December 2023.

2. CLARML is entitled to receive the 3,074,334 Units at an issue price of S$2.8647 per Unit as payment of 20% of the base management fee for the period from 1 June 2023 to 30 November 2023.

3. CLARML has sold 2,474,334 Units which it is entitled to receive as payment of its management fee to CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLIRE"), a related corporation of CLARML, and in connection with the sale, CLARML has directed that such Units be issued directly to CLIRE instead of CLARML.

4. The percentages are rounded down to the nearest 0.01%.
BlackRock, Inc. [SSH] S/U 1,458  - 308,086 7.02 Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 4,137,709.28

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 308085820 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 7.02000000 (Deemed Interest)
BlackRock, Inc. holds a deemed interest through various BlackRock, Inc. subsidiaries as set out below.

1.Aperio Group, LLC
2.BlackRock Advisors, LLC
3.BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
4.BlackRock Investment Management, LLC
5.BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited
6.BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A.
7.BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V.
8.BlackRock Fund Managers Ltd
9.BlackRock Life Limited
10.BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited
11.BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited
12.BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited
13.BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG
14.BlackRock (Singapore) Limited
15.BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited
16.BlackRock Fund Advisors
17.BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.
18.BlackRock Japan Co Ltd
19.BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd
20.iShares (DE) I Investmentaktiengesellschaft mit Teilgesellschaftsvermogen
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U 500  - 834,223 19.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$1,370,000.00 paid by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 834223299 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 19.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.98% to 19.00% due to the acquisition of 500,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA Real Estate"), DBSH, Keppel Corporation Limited ("Keppel") and Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd. ("Fullerton").

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate 17.437%
(i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.434% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl").
(iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI FM Pte. Ltd. ("CLIFM").
(v) CLI Intl and CLIFM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI").
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand").
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III").
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville").
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson").
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley").
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu Capital Pte. Ltd. ("Tembusu").
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH 0.852%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.852% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel 0.054%
(i) EM Services Pte Ltd, an associated company of Keppel Land Limited ("KLL") holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KLL is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton 0.655%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.655% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek 19.00%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,390,532,915 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited ("Temasek") [SSH] S/U (1,400)  - 833,142 18.97 Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): S$3,976,000 received by DBS Bank.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 833142499 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.97000000 (Deemed Interest)
Temasek does not have any direct interest in the Units.

Temasek is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 19.00% to 18.97% due to the disposal of 1,400,000 Units by DBS Bank via market transaction.

Temasek has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA Real Estate"), DBSH, Keppel Corporation Limited ("Keppel") and Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd. ("Fullerton").

(1) Temasek's deemed interest via CLA Real Estate 17.437%
(i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.434% of Units.
(ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl").
(iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units.
(iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI FM Pte. Ltd. ("CLIFM").
(v) CLI Intl and CLIFM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI").
(vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand").
(vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate.
(viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III").
(ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville").
(x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson").
(xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley").
(xii) Bartley is a subsidiary of Tembusu Capital Pte. Ltd. ("Tembusu").
(xiii) Tembusu is a subsidiary of Temasek.

(2) Temasek's deemed interest via DBSH 0.827%
(i) DBS Bank has an interest in approximately 0.827% of Units.
(ii) DBS Bank is a subsidiary of DBSH.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in DBSH.

(3) Temasek's deemed interest via Keppel 0.054%
(i) EM Services Pte Ltd, an associated company of Keppel Land Limited ("KLL") holds 0.054% of Units.
(ii) KLL is a subsidiary of Keppel.
(iii) Temasek has a more than 20% interest in Keppel.

(4) Temasek's deemed interest via Fullerton 0.655%
(i) Fullerton has an interest in 0.655% of Units as investment manager for various funds, including funds in which Temasek through a subsidiary has an interest.
(ii) Fullerton is an indirect subsidiary of Temasek.

Total deemed interest of Temasek 18.97%

CLA Real Estate, DBSH, Keppel and Fullerton are independently managed Temasek portfolio companies. Temasek is not involved in their business or operating decisions, including those regarding their positions in the Units.

The percentage of interest immediately before and after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,390,532,915 Units.

In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited [TMRP] S/U 3,190  2.660 3,326 0.08 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 3325581 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.07570000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)

1. The percentage of total number of units "Immediately before the transaction" is based on 4,387,342,865 units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT ("Units") as at 15 December 2022, and the percentage of total number of Units "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,390,532,915 Units as at 15 June 2023 following the issuance of Units.
CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited [TMRP] S/U (3,190)  2.660 136 NA Note
Disposal of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 135531 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00310000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)

1. The percentage of total number of ordinary voting units "Immediately before the transaction" and "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,390,532,915 Units as at 15 June 2023.

2. CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CLARML") is entitled to receive the 3,190,050 Units at an issue price of S$2.6604 per Unit as payment of 20% of the base management fee for the period from 1 December 2022 to 31 May 2023.

3. CLARML has sold the 3,190,050 Units which it is entitled to receive as payment of its management fee to CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLIRE"), a related corporation of CLARML, and in connection with the sale, CLARML has directed that such Units be issued directly to CLIRE instead of CLARML.
Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley") [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 762,430 17.37 Note
Issuance of 183,352,000 new Units on 25 May 2023 pursuant to the Private Placement (as defined in the Listed Issuer's announcement on 25 May 2023). Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 762429515 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 17.37000000 (Deemed Interest)
Bartley does not have any direct interest in Units. Bartley is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.13% to 17.37% pursuant to the issuance of 183,352,000 new Units on 25 May 2023 pursuant to the Private Placement (as defined in the Listed Issuer's announcement on 25 May 2023). Bartley has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate. (i) CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLI RE Fund") holds 17.374% of Units. (ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI International Pte. Ltd. ("CLI Intl"). (iii) CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited ("CAREITML") holds 0.003% of Units. (iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLI FM Pte. Ltd. ("CLIFM"). (v) CLI Intl and CLIFM are subsidiaries of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI"). (vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CapitaLand"). (vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate. (viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III"). (ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville"). (x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson"). (xi) Mawson is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Bartley"). --------------- Total deemed interest of Bartley 17.37% ======== CLA Real Estate is an independently managed Temasek portfolio company. Bartley is not involved in its business or operating decisions, including those regarding its positions in Units. (i) Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. is a indirect subsidiary of Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited. (ii) Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. (iii) Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. (iv) TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. The percentage of interest immediately before the change is calculated on the basis of 4,203,990,865 Units. The percentage of interest immediately after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,387,342,865 Units. In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. ("Glenville") [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 762,430 17.37 Note
Issuance of 183,352,000 new Units on 25 May 2023 pursuant to the Private Placement (as defined in the Listed Issuer's announcement on 25 May 2023). Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 762429515 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 17.37000000 (Deemed Interest)
Glenville does not have any direct interest in Units. Glenville is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.13% to 17.37% pursuant to the issuance of 183,352,000 new Units on 25 May 2023 pursuant to the Private Placement (as defined in the Listed Issuer's announcement on 25 May 2023). Glenville has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate. (i) CLI RE Fund holds 17.374% of Units. (ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI Intl. (iii) CAREITML holds 0.003% of Units. (iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLIFM. (v) CLI Intl and CLIFM are subsidiaries of CLI. (vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand. (vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate. (viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings III. (ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville. --------------- Total deemed interest of Glenville 17.37% ======== CLA Real Estate is an independently managed Temasek portfolio company. Glenville is not involved in its business or operating decisions, including those regarding its positions in Units. (i) Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. is a indirect subsidiary of Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited. (ii) Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. (iii) Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. (iv) TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. The percentage of interest immediately before the change is calculated on the basis of 4,203,990,865 Units. The percentage of interest immediately after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,387,342,865 Units. In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("Mawson") [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 762,430 17.37 Note
Issuance of 183,352,000 new Units on 25 May 2023 pursuant to the Private Placement (as defined in the Listed Issuer's announcement on 25 May 2023). Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 762429515 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 17.37000000 (Deemed Interest)
Mawson does not have any direct interest in Units. Mawson is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.13% to 17.37% pursuant to the issuance of 183,352,000 new Units on 25 May 2023 pursuant to the Private Placement (as defined in the Listed Issuer's announcement on 25 May 2023). Mawson has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate. (i) CLI RE Fund holds 17.374% of Units. (ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI Intl. (iii) CAREITML holds 0.003% of Units. (iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLIFM. (v) CLI Intl and CLIFM are subsidiaries of CLI. (vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand. (vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate. (viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings III. (ix) TJ Holdings III is a subsidiary of Glenville. (x) Glenville is a subsidiary of Mawson. --------------- Total deemed interest of Mawson 17.37% ======== CLA Real Estate is an independently managed Temasek portfolio company. Mawson is not involved in its business or operating decisions, including those regarding its positions in Units. (i) Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. is a indirect subsidiary of Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited. (ii) Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. (iii) Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. (iv) TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. The percentage of interest immediately before the change is calculated on the basis of 4,203,990,865 Units. The percentage of interest immediately after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,387,342,865 Units. In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. ("TJ Holdings III") [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 762,430 17.37 Note
Issuance of 183,352,000 new Units on 25 May 2023 pursuant to the Private Placement (as defined in the Listed Issuer's announcement on 25 May 2023). Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 762429515 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 17.37000000 (Deemed Interest)
TJ Holdings III does not have any direct interest in Units. TJ Holdings III is filing this notification form to report a change in the percentage level of its deemed interest in Units from 18.13% to 17.37% pursuant to the issuance of 183,352,000 new Units on 25 May 2023 pursuant to the Private Placement (as defined in the Listed Issuer's announcement on 25 May 2023). TJ Holdings III has a deemed interest in Units through CLA Real Estate. (i) CLI RE Fund holds 17.374% of Units. (ii) CLI RE Fund is a subsidiary of CLI Intl. (iii) CAREITML holds 0.003% of Units. (iv) CAREITML is a subsidiary of CLIFM. (v) CLI Intl and CLIFM are subsidiaries of CLI. (vi) CLI is a subsidiary of CapitaLand. (vii) CapitaLand is a subsidiary of CLA Real Estate. (viii) CLA Real Estate is a subsidiary of TJ Holdings III. --------------- Total deemed interest of TJ Holdings III 17.37% ======== CLA Real Estate is an independently managed Temasek portfolio company. TJ Holdings III is not involved in its business or operating decisions, including those regarding its positions in Units. (i) Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. is a indirect subsidiary of Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited. (ii) Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Bartley Investments Pte. Ltd. (iii) Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Mawson Peak Holdings Pte. Ltd. (iv) TJ Holdings (III) Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Glenville Investments Pte. Ltd. The percentage of interest immediately before the change is calculated on the basis of 4,203,990,865 Units. The percentage of interest immediately after the change is calculated on the basis of 4,387,342,865 Units. In this Notice, figures are rounded down to the nearest 0.01% or 0.001%, as the case may be, and any discrepancies in aggregated figures are due to rounding.
CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 762,430 17.37 Note
Issuance of 183,352,000 new Units at an issue price of S$2.727 per new unit in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT pursuant to a Private Placement. Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 762429515 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 17.37000000 (Deemed Interest)
CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA") owns 100% of CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CLG"). CLG owns 52.58% of CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI"). CLI's deemed interest in the 762,429,515 units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT ("CLAR", and the units in CLAR, "Units") arises through the interest held by its direct wholly owned subsidiaries in CLAR, namely: (i) CLI International Pte. Ltd. which in turn is deemed to have an interest in the Units held by CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd.; and (ii) CLI FM Pte. Ltd. which in turn is deemed to have an interest in the Units held by CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited. CLG is a substantial shareholder of CLI and therefore, CLG is deemed to have an interest in the Units in which CLI has an interest by virtue of Section 4 of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore. CLA wholly owns CLG and therefore CLA is deemed to have an interest in the Units in which CLG has an interest by virtue of Section 4 of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore. CLG is a wholly owned subsidiary of CLA and therefore CLA has a deemed interest in CLAR through CLG and CLI. In relation to item 7 of Part III: (a) The percentage of total number of Units held "Immediately before the transaction" is based on 4,203,990,865 Units as at 22 May 2023, and rounded down to the nearest 0.01%. (b) The percentage of total number of Units held "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,387,342,865 Units as at 25 May 2023, and rounded down to the nearest 0.01%.
CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 762,430 17.37 Note
Issuance of 183,352,000 new Units at an issue price of S$2.727 per new unit in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT pursuant to a Private Placement. Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 762429515 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 17.37000000 (Deemed Interest)
CapitaLand Group Pte. Ltd. ("CLG") owns 52.58% of the equity interest in CapitaLand Investment Limited ("CLI"). CLI's deemed interest in the 762,429,515 units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT ("CLAR", and the units in CLAR, "Units") arises through the interest held by its direct wholly owned subsidiaries in CLAR, namely: (i) CLI International Pte. Ltd. which in turn is deemed to have an interest in the Units held by CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd.; and (ii) CLI FM Pte. Ltd. which in turn is deemed to have an interest in the Units held by CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management Limited. CLG is a substantial shareholder of CLI and therefore, CLG is deemed to have an interest in the Units in which CLI has an interest by virtue of Section 4 of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore. CLG is a wholly owned subsidiary of CLA Real Estate Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("CLA") and therefore CLA has a deemed interest in CLAR through CLG and CLI. In relation to item 7 of Part III: (a) The percentage of total number of Units held "Immediately before the transaction" is based on 4,203,990,865 Units as at 22 May 2023, and rounded down to the nearest 0.01%. (b) The percentage of total number of Units held "Immediately after the transaction" is based on 4,387,342,865 Units as at 25 May 2023, and rounded down to the nearest 0.01%.
CLI International Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 762,294 17.37 Note
Issuance of 183,352,000 new units at an issue price of S$2.727 per new unit in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT pursuant to the Private Placement. Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 762293984 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 17.37000000 (Deemed Interest)
CLI International Pte. Ltd.'s ("CLII") deemed interest in the 762,293,984 units in CapitaLand Ascendas REIT ("CLAR", and the units in CLAR, "Units") arises through its direct wholly owned subsidiary namely, CLI RE Fund Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CLIRE"). CLIRE is a unitholder of CLAR. CapitaLand Investment Limited holds 100% interest of CLII which in turn holds 100% interest of CLIRE. In relation to item 7 of Part III for Substantial Unitholder B: (1) the percentage of total no. of voting units "Immediately before the transaction" is calculated based on 4,203,990,865 units in CLAR as at 15 December 2022. (2) the percentage of total no. of voting units "Immediately after the transaction" is calculated based on 4,387,342,865 units in CLAR as at 25 May 2023. (3) the percentages are rounded down to the nearest 0.01%.
* DIR - Director (include Directors of related companies)
SSH - Substantial Shareholder
COY - Company Share Buyback
TMRP - Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person
** S - Shares
W - Warrants
U - Units
R - Rights
*** Direct & Deemed Interests


  1. Only trades by directors, substantial shareholders and company share buy back are included in Insider Trades.